The Erasmus Learning Academy is glad to present the 2023-2024 Erasmus+ course catalogue where you canfi nd, in a practical and functional format, the relevant information about the training courses that we've plannedfor the next 2 years in Italy and Spain (Bologna, Sicily and Tenerife).
Every year we introduce new courses based on innovative education trends and participants’ feedback. In 2023-2024 we offer 35 one-week courses about: ICT and new technologies, soft skills, inclusion and special needs,intercultural learning and diversity, anti-bullying and early school leaving, non-formal education, project basedlearning, stress management, work-based learning, entrepreneurship, innovative teaching methods, EU projects,preschool education and much more. Check out our latest additions: Green skills, Innovative teaching methodsfor preschool teachers, Outdoor education for preschool teachers, Gender inclusiveness and Groupmanagement.
